Sunday, February 25, 2018

About Those Fun Hotel Signs...

For many dance studios and competition teams the travel competition season has finally arrived.  Costumes are altered and blinged out, dream duffles are freshly loaded up, and hotel rooms are booked for the many weekends away from home.  Competition season is what our dancers work hard for all year, and as dance parents, there's nothing like seeing them do what they love to do on stage.

But there's a long-standing element of competition travel that really needs to be done away with.  I suggest that it is time for dance families (and other travel sports families, for that matter) to put away this idea of decorating the outside of the hotel room door for competition season.  Let's look at a sample sign from pinterest of a cheerleader door sign.

Fun, right?  Sure to put a smile on any dancer's face when the return after a long day of competing.  Moms and Dads, if you feel the need to make one of these precious door signs, I am asking you to please reconsider OR put it INSIDE of the hotel room only.  On the back of the door, on the bathroom or closet door, or taped to the mirror for them to see while they get ready.  Why?

I don't think I need to really go into to many details, but dance friends, this is a terrible day and age where the human trafficking industry is alive and well and in our own communities.  Children and teenagers are disappearing in horrifying numbers- being snatched and sold to the highest bidder right here in our own backyards.  Let's look at this sign above and see what it is saying to any would-be trafficker in your hotel.  First of all, it's advertising that there are, indeed, pretty young ladies staying in this hotel room.  In this particular case, it's also advertising their names and some details of where they dance.

All it takes is ONE moment.  One child running to the bathroom from the pool area, or one child dashing down the hall to fill the bucket with ice.  One person comes from around the corner and says "Hey Kalli, did you see the puppy down the hall?"  Kalli unknowingly looks at this person who knows their name and thinks they must be a dance parent or grandparent of a teammate and just like that Kalli is snatched from everything and everyone she loves.   It's an absolutely terrifying prospect.

Even just a little sign with no pictures or names, a little "Dance Team Member from XYZ Studio" seems harmless, but in the digital age, it only takes a fraction of a moment for a trafficker to look up that studio online and see if they can find a name to work with- whether it be a dancer, teacher, owner, etc.   They only need one, and the conversation can go something like "Hey there girl, great dancing today! Ms. Magnificent said you've been working hard this year and it shows."  Then they walk around the corner and yell back "Oh my gosh, that is the cutest puppy."  What is that dancer going to do?  Like most kids I know, they're going to go running to take a peek of the cutest puppy. Ugh!

And in those cases where the dance competition is ON the premises of a hotel, these signs can be flat out dangerous.  Because if they didn't know it was going on, the traffickers now have a clue that something exciting is going on in the building that could profit them greatly.

A little Stranger Danger education for dancers of all ages and genders can obviously go a long way, but friends, lets not give traffickers even the tiniest fraction of a suggestion that they can use to harm our children.  Let's skip the hotel room signs this year and find a different way to celebrate your dancers.  I think the life of every child is worth it.

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